
When I was a kid, I thought this word was “sun bra” and always thought it was weird to call it a sun bra when you wear it during the cold season… This a reminder to dress warmly with a sámbra for this sweater weather!
SAMBRA • (SAM-bruh)
sweater, clothing for the cold
Tagálog (Filipino): panglamíg (“for cold weather”, from lamíg “the cold”)
From Spanish chambra (“blouse, housecoat, loose jacket”)
Derived Word
MAKASÁMBRA • (muh-kuh-SAM-bruh)
wearing a sweater/clothing for the cold
Tagálog: nakapanglamíg
MAGSÁMBRA • (muhg-SAM-bruh)
to wear a sweater; to bundle up, dress warmly
Tagálog: magpanglamíg
Verb Conjugation
magsámbra, mágsámbra, mégsámbra – to wear a sweater; to bundle up, dress warmly (Actor Focus)
Example Sentence
Magsámbrá ka nung lumual ka. [Kap]
Magpanglamíg ka kung lálabas ka. [Tag]
Wear a sweater/Dress warmly if you’re going out. [Eng]
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