
Though the Philippines’ hot season occurs during the drier half of the year, the country’s oppressive tropical humidity makes it all the more sticky and uncomfortable, with some cities reaching heat indices of more than 50 degrees Celsius (more than 120 degrees F) during this season!
LISÁNGAN • (lih-SAH-nguhn)
uncomfortable heat and humidity
Tagálog (Filipino): alinsángan
Derived word:
MALISÁNGAN • (muh-lih-SAH-nguhn)
uncomfortably hot and humid
Tagálog (Filipino): maalinsángan
Verb Conjugation
lísángan, lílisángan, línisángan – to feel uncomfortably hot and humid (Actor Focus)
Example Sentence:
Malisángan king kilub ning balé. [Kap]
Maalinsángan sa loób ng báhay. [Tag]
It’s uncomfortably hot and humid inside the house. [Eng]
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