On Lifestyle

This Earth Hour, let’s switch off our lights at 8:30 pm and take an hour to reconnect with our natural surroundings.
PATDA • (puht-DA’)
(to) turn off (lights or devices), extinguish
Tagálog (Filipino): patáy (root word, literally “dead” or “kill”)
Derived Word:
MAKAPATDÂ • (muh-kuh-puht-DA’)
off; not on
Tagálog (Filipino): patáy
Verb Conjugation
patdan, papatdan, pitdâ – to turn off something (Object Focus)
mamatdâ, mámatdâ, mématdâ – to turn off (Actor Focus)
matdâ, mamamatdâ, mitdâ – to become turned off, get extinguished (Actor Focus)
Example Sentence:
Mamatdá támung sulú póta. [Kap]
Magpatáy táyo ng ílaw mámayà. [Tag]
Let’s turn off some lights later. [Eng]
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