On Lifestyle

Tonight, we go dark for Earth Hour. Since 2007, Earth Hour has been held annually on the last Saturday of March to call attention to the current climate crisis.
DALUMDUM • (duh-loom-DOOM)
darkness (lack of light), dimness
Tagálog (Filipino): dilím
Derived Word:
MADALUMDUM • (muh-duh-loom-DOOM)
dark (not bright), dim
Tagálog (Filipino): madilím
Verb Conjugation:
dálumdum, dádalumdum, dínalumdum – to get dark, dim (Actor Focus)
Example Sentence
Dálumdum ya ing yatu ngéning béngi. [Kap]
Dídilim ang mundó ngayóng gabí. [Tag]
The world will get dark tonight. [Eng]
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