february 26
On this day, February 26 | @paradaNHS

On this day, February 26, in 1903, Apolinario Mabini was forced to swear allegiance to America in order to return home from exile in Guam. He died of cholera on May 13, 1903.

On this day in 1815, Napoleon escaped Elba to attempt to reclaim his throne. This is the so-called Hundred Days that ended in failure and his exile to the island of St. Helena where he died.

On this day in 1616, Cardinal Bellarmine warned Galileo not to teach or defend the Copernican theory. He was eventually tried by the Inquisition, forced to write a recantation of his belief in the Copernican theory, and placed under house arrest until his death on January 8, 1641.

February is Philippine Marathon for the Pasig River Month (Proclamation No. 780, s. 2005).

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