Tun | @kapampangan.words (follow at Instagram)

November is Rice Awareness Month in the Philippines, so here’s a special word in Kapampángan that specifically refers to cooking rice!

TUN • (toon)
(to) cook rice
Synonym: sésé (literally “(to) take care of”)
Tagálog (Filipino): sáing

Verb Conjugation:
tumún, tútun, tínun – to cook rice (Actor Focus)
itún, tutún, tinún – to cook rice (Object Focus)
mitún, mitutún, mítun – for rice to get cooked (Object Focus)

Example Sentence:
‘Táng, ‘tin táng tun? [Kap]
(Uncontracted form: Tátang, atín támung tun/tinun?)
‘Tay/Tatay, mayroon ba tayong sinaing? [Tag]
Father, do we have cooked rice? [Eng]