Mango Varieties in the Philippines
Mango Varieties in the Philippines | @kapampangan.words

Mango Varieties in the Philippines

  1. Philippine Mango or Carabao Mango
    – most common variety
    – very sweet with a sweet fruity aroma
    – sweetest mango according to the Guinness Book of World Records, specifically its Sweet Elena strain from Zambales province
  2.  Pico Mango
    – also known as padero, supsupin, bioko, or chupadera
    – elongated sweet mango that is more flat compared to carabao mango
    – “supsupín” means “to suck” as this mango is usually eaten by peeling the skin and sucking the flesh like a lollipop
  3.  Indian Mango or Katchamita
    – smaller mango that is usually eaten when it is still unripe and green
    – The unripe green mango tastes sour and is often paired with bagoong (Kapampángan: baguk) or fermented fish and shrimp paste with salt
  4. 4 Pajo or Pahutan
    – small, sweet, and juicy but very fibrous and thick
    – usually eaten with hands as cutlery would be impossible with its thick fibrous flesh
  5.  Apple Mango
    – more common internationally
    – has a reddish tint on one side similar to the color of an apple
    – large, pudgy, and more fleshy but not as sweet as the Philippine mango or even the pico at its ripest


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