On Lifestyle
It’s International Day of Light today, so let’s take a look at some light-related words in Kapampángan as we are about to end our summer season!
ASLAG • (uhs-LUHG)
(1) ray of light; sunlight
(2) rise, rising (of the sun, moon, etc.)
Tagálog (Filipino): síkat, sínag
Derived Word
ASLÁGAN • (uhs-LAH-guhn)
east (literally “place where the sun rises”)
Tagálog (Filipino): silángan
MAKASLAG • (muh-kuhs-LUHG)
shining, out (sun, moon, etc.)
Tagálog (Filipino): sikát
Verb Conjugation
sumlag, saslag, sinlag – to rise, shine, be out (sun, moon, etc.) (Actor Focus)
Example Sentence
Sinlag né ing aldo. [Kap]
Sumíkat na ang áraw. [Tag]
The sun has already risen/shone. [Eng]