Tampaling | @kapampangan.words


“We keep ‘H’ out of our f-ing mouths!” A throwback post to exactly a year ago when we witnessed that historic slap heard around the world!

(Kapampángan is known for not having an /h/ phoneme compared to other Philippine languages.)

TAMPÁLING • (tuhm-PAH-ling)
slap on the cheek
Tagálog (Filipino): sampál

SAPÍNGIL • (suh-PEE-ngil)
hard hit or smack on the side of the face (cheeks, sideburns, or temples)
Tagálog (Filipino): sapák

Verb Conjugation
tampalíngan, tatampalíngan, timpáling – to slap on the cheek (Object Focus)
sapingílan, sasapingílan, sépíngil – to hit hard or smack on the side of the face (Object Focus)
manampáling, mánampáling, ménampáling – to slap on the cheek (Actor Focus)
manyapíngil, mányapíngil, ményapíngil – to hit hard or smack on the side of the face (Actor Focus)
matampáling, matatampáling, métampáling – to be slapped on the cheek (Stative/Actor Focus)
masapíngil, masasapíngil, mésapíngil – to be hit hard or smacked on the side of the face (Stative/Actor Focus)

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