Sige | @kapampangan.words


It was OK Day yesterday! How do you say “OK” or “go ahead” in your language?

SIGÉ / SÍGE • (see-GEH) / (SEE-geh)
OK, okay, alright; go ahead, go on
Tagálog (Filipino): síge/sigé
Shorthand typing: cge

Example Sentence
O sigé, king tútukî ná mû. [Kap]
O sigé, sa súsunod na lang. [Tag]
Okay/Alright, until next time. [Eng]

From Spanish sigue “go ahead, go on”, conjugated form of seguir “to continue, go on”

SÍGÉ = cowrie shells (little shells of different uses like jewelry, ancient currency, or game pieces)
Tagálog (Filipino): sígay

SIGÉ / SÍGE = OK, okay, alright; go ahead, go on
Tagálog (Filipino): sigé, síge

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