
Happy April Fools! Did you know that the word for “to fool” in Kapampángan comes from the Spanish word for “crazy”?
LÓKU • (LOH-koo)
(1) naughty, mischievous
(2) jerk, fool, trickster, prankster
(3) (to) fool, trick, tease
Feminine: lóka
Tagálog (Filipino): lóko/a
From Spanish loco/a (“crazy”)
These words are commonly defined as “crazy” in dictionaries (due to their etymology), however, they are more accurately used as “naughty, mischievous”. The more accurate words for “crazy, insane” are murit in Kapampángan and balíw in Tagalog which are stronger and can be more derogatory than lóku/lóko.
Derived Words:
KALÓKUAN • (kuh-LOH-kwuhn)
mischief, folly, nonsense, funny business, shenanigans
Tagálog (Filipino): kalokóhan
MANLOLÓKU • (muhn-loh-LOH-koo)
cheater, deceiver, trickster
Tagálog (Filipino): manlolóko
Verb Conjugation
lókuan, lolókuan, linóku – (1) to fool, deceive, trick; (2) to make fun of, tease, mess around with someone (Object Focus)
paglókuan, páglókuan, piglóku – to make fun of someone, to not take something seriously (Object Focus)
maglóku, máglóku, miglóku – (1) to fool, deceive, trick, cheat; (2) to joke around, be kidding (Actor Focus)
malóku, malolóku, mélóku – (1) to get tricked, fooled; (2) to lose one’s self with, get addicted to (Stative / Actor Focus)
magloklókuan, mágloklókuan, mégloklókuan – to malfunction, act up (Actor Focus)
Example Sentence
Lolókuan da ká mû! [Kap]
Nilolóko lang kita! [Tag]
I’m just kidding/messing around with you! [Eng]
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