Bisita/Bisitas | @kapampangan.words


Did you know that in Kapampángan, pluralized Spanish loanwords can have a different meaning from their original singular form? Here’s an example! Also featured is San Jose Matulid Chapel which is believed to be the oldest chapel in Pampanga!

BISÍTA • (bi-SEE-tuh)
visitor, guest; (to) visit
Tagálog (Filipino): bisíta

BISÍTAS • (bi-SEE-tuhs)
Synonyms: kapília, tuklung
Tagálog (Filipino): kapílya, tuklóng, bisíta

From Spanish visita (“visit; visitor”) & plural visitas

Verb Conjugation
bumisíta, bíbisíta, bínisíta – to visit (Actor Focus)
bisitan, bibisitan, binisíta – to visit someone/something (Object Focus)

Example Sentence
Binisíta ké ing bisítas. [Kap]
Binisíta ko ang kapília/tuklóng/bisíta. [Tag]
I visited the chapel. [Eng]

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