
Another Kapampángan word for happiness is túlâ which is more commonly as “joy”, “gladness”, “fun” or “laughter“.
TÚLÂ • (TOO-la’)
joy, gladness; fun, laughter
Tagálog: tuwâ (joy, gladness), táwa (laughter, fun[ny])
These words roughly mean “happiness” in Kapampángan.
Suélu/Kusuélu encompasses the senses of satisfaction, pleasure, or contentment. It is more commonly used with its derived word masuelu which means “happy, satisfied, pleased”.
Túlâ encompasses the senses of joy, fun, & laughter. One of its commonly used derived words is mákatúlâ, the Kapampángan word for “funny”.
Sayâ encompasses the senses of merriment, cheerfulness, or glee. It is more commonly used with its derived word masayâ which means “happy, merry, jolly, cheerful”.
False Friends
Tagálog: tulâ (poem)
Kapampángan: túlâ (joy, fun)
The words differ in pronunciation only by stress (final syllable in Tagalog, first syllable in Kapampángan)
Derived Words
MÁKATÚLÂ • (MAH-kuh-TOO-la’)
Tagálog: nakákatawa
KATÚLÂ • (kuh-TOO-la’)
so amused, laughing so much
Tagálog: tawáng-tawá
Verb Conjugation
matúlâ, matutúlâ, métúlâ – to become joyful, amused
mamatúlâ, mámatúlâ, mématúlâ – to console (actor focus)
pamatulan, pámatulan, pématulan – to cheer someone up (object focus)
Example Sentence:
Katúlá ku kéka! [Kap]
Tawáng-tawá akó sa’yó! [Tag]
I’m so amused at you! / You made me laugh so much! [Eng]
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