
It’s the First Day of Spring for our Northern Hemisphere temperate friends! How do you say “spring” in your language?
spring (season)
Tagálog (Filipino): tagsiból
Root Word
SÍBUL • (SEE-bool)
spring, fountain, water source; (to) sprout
Tagálog (Filipino): síbol
Verb Conjugation
sumíbul, sísíbul, síníbul – to sprout, spring (Actor Focus)
Example Sentence
Síníbul nó ring tanáman kayárí ning dimla. [Kap]
Sumíbol na ang mgá haláman pagkatápos ng lamíg. [Tag]
The plants have already sprouted after the cold. [Eng]
Tagálog (Filipino): maáraw
GANINGALDÓ • (guh-ning-uhl-DOH)
pre-dawn, early morning
Tagálog (Filipino): madalíng áraw
(specific) day of…, anniversary
Tagálog (Filipino): kaarawán “birthday, anniversary”
Kapampángan Greeting:
Máyap a aldo! (Máyap a yaldó*!) [Kap]
Magandáng áraw! [Tag]
Good day! [Eng]
*A semivowel/glide (“y”) is inserted between the connector “a” and a succeeding word that begins with the vowel “a”.
Verb Conjugation:
maldó, mámaldó, minaldó – to get sunny (stative verb)
magpayaldó, mágpayaldó, migpayaldó – to expose oneself to the sun (actor focus)
miyaldawánan, miyayaldawánan, míyaldawánan – to be exposed to the sun (object focus)
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