Kakewan | @kapampangan.words


It’s International Day of Forests too! Forests are particularly significant for riverine areas such as the Kapampángan region, as forests are the main watershed of rivers. However, the sad thing is that the Philippines is one of the top 10 countries in the world with the highest deforestation rates. But there’s one spot in Pampanga that is trying to reverse this—the Lubao Bamboo Hub. This project was started as a long-term response to protect lahar-stricken and flood-prone Barangay Sta. Catalina from soil erosion by planting bamboo along the riverbanks and has now grown into an eco-tourism destination of the town.

KAKÉWAN • (kuh-KEH-wuhn)
forest, woods
Tagálog (Filipino): gúbat, kagubátan, kakahuyán

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