Bicol Region has 362 Identified Wetlands
Bicol Region has 362 Identified Wetlands | @nmbicol

Bicol Region has 362 Identified Wetlands

It’s World Wetlands Day!

Wetland is an area in which the land is covered by water or saturated with water, either seasonally or permanently. There are different types of wetlands: rivers, marshes, bogs, mangroves, mudflats, ponds, swamps, billabongs, lagoons, lakes, and floodplains. According to DENR, Bicol Region has 362 identified wetlands. However, only 29, or about 8%, have been assessed.

Wetlands are home to different species of aquatic and terrestrial plants and animals. Aside from their rich biodiversity, wetlands are important because they protect against flooding; control the erosion of shorelines; improve water quality; provide natural products; and serve as places for recreation.

We observe World Wetlands Day every February 2 to raise people’s awareness about the critical role of wetlands. The theme for this year is about prioritizing wetlands restoration so let us work together to preserve nature for the sake of future generations.

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