
The Kapampángan wetlands are known to be wildlife hotspots of many bird species, one of which is considered very sacred to ancient Kapampángans.
BATÁLÂ • (buh-TAH-la’)
Tagálog (Filipino): piskadór, susulbót
As kingfishers were viewed as sacred birds in Kapampángan myths, “batálâ” is believed to be cognate to Tagalog bathálà which means “supreme deity”, ultimately coming from Sanskrit भट्टार (bhaṭṭāra) which means “honorable, revered”.
Creature Feature
Indigo-Banded Kingfisher (Ceyx cyanopectus)
The indigo-banded kingfisher is an elusive bird found in the rivers and marshes of Pampanga and endemic to the northern and central Philippines. It is known for its striking blue and yellow coloration. Ancient Kapampángans considered it a sacred bird whose presence is an omen of something good or bad.
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