Kuaresma | @kapampangan.words


Ash Wednesday marks the Filipinos’ start of the season of Lent, the 40 days before Easter Sunday devoted to prayer, fasting, abstinence, and other acts of penance. Kapampángans are well-known for their extreme Lenten rituals, such as penitents’ flagellation of their backs and the actual crucifixion of penitents during Holy Week.

KUARÉSMA • (kwuh-RES-muh)
Tagálog (Filipino): Kuwarésma

Latin quadrāgēsima (“the fortieth part; Lent”)
> Vulgar Latin *quaresima
> Spanish Cuaresma
> Kapampángan Kuarésma, Tagalog Kuwarésma

Derived Verb
MANGUARÉSMA • (muh-ngwuh-RES-mu)
to strictly observe Lenten fasting or abstinence

Verb Conjugation
manguarésma, mánguarésma, ménguarésma – to strictly observe Lenten fasting or abstinence (Actor Focus)

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