
“We are finally free, and we can be truly proud of the unprecedented way we achieved our freedom, with courage, determination, and most importantly, in peace.”
– Corazon “Cory” Cojuangco-Aquino
• 11th President of the Philippines (1986-1992)
• First female president of the Philippines and in Asia
• a Kapampángan from Tarlac province
KATIMAWAN • (kuh-tih-muh-WUHN)
Tagálog (Filipino): kalayáan (from láyà “(to be) free”)
Root Word
TIMÁWA • (tih-MAH-wuh)
free; freeman
Tagálog: maláyà (from láyà “(to be) free”)
Verb Conjugation
manimáwa, mánimáwa, ménimáwa – to free, to reserve, to exempt from obligations, to liberate (actor focus)
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