Sanduk | @kapampangan.words


Kapampángans hold a traditional New Year event in the town of Minalin where men cross-dress and parade around town to give joy after Minalin suffered from a drought many years ago!

SANDUK • (suhn-DOOK)
ladle, big spoon
Tagálog (Filipino): sandók

Background Photo:
Jessica Rose McEwen (@jisika.rose)
Binibining Pilipinas 2022 #27
Floridablanca, Pampanga
National Costume inspired by Pinukpuk Festival

Verb Conjugation
manyanduk, mányanduk, ményanduk – to scoop with a ladle (Actor Focus)
sumanduk, sásanduk, sínanduk – to scoop with a ladle (Actor Focus)
sandukan, sasandukan, sinanduk – to scoop something with a ladle (Object Focus)

Example Sentence
Sumanduk na kang násî. [Kap]
Magsandók ka na ng kánin. [Tag]
Scoop out some cooked rice now. [Eng]

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