january 17
On this day, January 17 | @paradaNHS

On this day, January 17, President Ferdinand E Marcos announced the ratification of the 1973 constitution (Proclamation No. 1102) based on the results of the Citizen’s Assembly held on January 10-15.

The official calendar of the Republic of the Philippines: an almanac of Philippine commemorations enlivened with illustrations and information. –Manila: Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office, [2014].

On this day in 1929, the character Popeye first appeared in the comic strip Thimble Theatre. Popeye is a sailor who loves spinach.

On this day in 1929, Edwin Hubble submitted his research entitled “A Relation Between Distance and Radial Velocity Among Extra-Galactic Nebulae.” This would be the basis of other scientists’ belief that the universe is expanding over time.

January is National Microinsurance Month (Proclamation No. 1212, s. 2007)

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