Muna | @kapampangan.words


It’s the first day of the year!

MÚNA • (MOO-nuh)
to go first, be first
Root Word: úna
Tagálog (Filipino): mauná (Root Word: úna)

False Friends
Tagálog (Filipino)
MÚNA (particle indicating priority, “first, for the time being, yet”)
(Kapampángan: pâ)

MÚNA (verb for “to go first, be first”)
(Tagálog: mauná)

Kapampángan: Ini pâ!
Tagálog: Itó múna!
English: This one first!

Kapampángan: Múná ya ini.
Tagálog: Maúuna itó.
English: This one will go first.

Root Word
ÚNA • (OO-nuh)
(to) go first, be first
Tagálog (Filipino): úna

Derived Word
MANIMÚNA • (muh-ni-MOO-nuh)
to lead, take the lead/initiative, be at the top
Tagálog (Filipino): mangúna

Verb Conjugation
múna, múmúna, minúna – to go first, be first (Actor Focus)
yúna, yuyúna, inúna – to do/make something first (Object Focus)
unan, uwunan, inunan – to get ahead of, precede something (Object Focus)
miyunan, miyuyunan, míyunan – to be preceded by something/someone (Stative / Object Focus)
paunan, páunan, péunan – to make someone go first (Object Focus)
manimúna, mánimúna, méninúna – to lead, take the lead (Actor Focus)

Example Sentence
Ngéní ya ing múmúnang aldó ning banua. [Kap]
Ngayón ang únang áraw ng taón. [Tag]
Today is the first day of the year. [Eng]

Fernandino ing múmúna; Fernandino ing mánimúna. [Kap]
Fernandino ang naúuna; Fernandino ang nangúngúna. [Tag]
The Fernandino goes first; the Fernandino leads. [Eng]

Motto of the City of San Fernando, Pampanga

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