Seminary of Nueva Caceres
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The Seminary of Nueva Caceres was founded by the RT. Rev. Domingo Collantes, O.P. Bishop of Nueva Caceres, March 7, 1797. The first building was badly damaged by a typhoon in October 1856 and destroyed by fire on August 22, 1880.

The seminary was reconstructed by the RT. Rev. Francisco C. Gainza, O.P., Bishop of Nueva Caceres and turned over to the Vincentian Fathers on May 7, 1865, for the training of Diocesan clergy.

From 1892 to 1925, the Vincentian Fathers also maintained a college for the education of the young men of the Bicol Region.

In the first seventy-five years of its existence, the seminary gave 370 priests to the church and four bishops to the Philippine hierarchy.

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