On this day, December 23

On this day, December 23, is the birth of National Artist Victorio Edades (1895).
The official calendar of the Republic of the Philippines: an almanac of Philippine commemorations enlivened with illustrations and information. –Manila: Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office, [2014].
On this day in 2001, Argentina announced the suspension of the payment of its external debt amounting to $93B. In the following years, he chose to prioritize paying the IMF first and rescheduling other debts.
On this day in 1750, Benjamin Franklin was electrocuted while experimenting with killing turkeys with electricity. “I am Ashamed to have been guilty of so Notorious A Blunder,” he said.
December is Holiday Hazards Prevention Month (Proclamation No. 115-A, s. 1966).
Let’s think about it during the day…
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