
FALSE FRIENDS ALERT! While the Tagálog root word “baít” means “good, kind” (as in mabaít), the Kapampángan root word “bait” means “to be born” (as in mibaít)!
BAIT / BAYIT • (buh-YIT)
to be born
Tagálog (Filipino): panganák (root word: anák “child”), sílang
False Friends:
In Tagálog, baít is the root word for “good, kind” (as in mabaít “good, kind”).
In Kapampángan, bait is the root word for “to be born” (as in mibait “to be born”).
Derived words:
KÉBAITAN / KÉBAYITAN • (KEH-buh-yi-tuhn)
birthday, birth (moment or instance)
Tagálog (Filipino): kaarawán (birthday), kapánganákan (birth)
birth (way or process)
Tagálog (Filipino): pagkapanganák, pagkasílang
Birthday Greeting:
Masayang Kébayitan! [Kap]
Maligáyang Kaarawán! [Tag]
Happy Birthday! [Eng]
Verb Conjugation:
mibayit, mibabayit, míbayit – to be born (actor focus)
Example Sentences:
Masayáng kébayitan king kékatámung Ápung Ginu! [Kap]
Maligáyang kaarawán sa áting Panginoóng Diyos! [Tag]
Happy birthday to our Lord God! [Eng]
Kapilan ka míbayit? [Kap]
Kailán ka ipinanganák? [Tag]
When were you born? [Eng]
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