
Last month was World Fisheries Day! How do you say “fish” in your language?
ASAN • (uh-SUHN)
(1) fish; (2) viand
Tagálog (Filipino): (1) isdâ; (2) úlam
Usage Note
The Kapampángan word asan means “fish” and is also used by upstream Kapampángans as the word for “viand” or the meat part of the meal that accompanies rice.
For downstream Kapampángans, the word úlam is instead used for viand which is similar to Tagálog úlam.
Upstream Kapampángans may use the term “asan danum” (literally “water fish”) to specify “seafood” or distinguish “fish” from “viand”.
Derived Word
MÁNASAN • (MAH-nuh-suhn)
Tagálog (Filipino): mángingisdà
Verb Conjugation
manasan, mánasan, ménasan – to fish (Actor Focus)
asanan, ásanan, inasan – to fish; to have as a viand (Object Focus)
Example Sentence
Asanan tá ya ing asan (danum). [Kap]
Ulámin nátin ang isdâ. [Tag]
Let’s have the fish as a viand. [Eng]
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