On Lifestyle

It’s the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, and a Kapampángan town is named after it which is considered as the town’s patron saint.
AGLÎ • (uhg-LEE’)
(to) conceive, conception; pregnancy cravings
Tagálog (Filipino): lihî
Derived Word
KÁKAGLÎ • (KAH-kuhg-lee’)
conceiving; craving (during pregnancy)
Tagálog (Filipino): naglílihì
PÁMANGAGLÎ • (PAH-muh-nguhg-lee’)
conception; pregnancy craving
Tagálog (Filipino): paglilihî
Verb Conjugation
kumaglî, kákaglî, kínaglî – to conceive; to crave during pregnancy
Example Sentence
Kákaglí ya ing mabuktut kung achî. [Kap]
Naglílihì ang buntís kong áte. [Tag]
My pregnant sister is conceiving/having some pregnancy cravings. [Eng]
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