Datang | @kapampangan.words


Advent has come! How do you say “arrive” or “come” in your language?

(to) arrive, come
Tagálog: datíng

Common Derived Verb
DÁTANG • (DAH-tuhng)
to arrive, come
Tagálog: dumatíng (Root Word: datíng)

Derived Word
PÁMAGDATANG • (PAH-muhg-duh-tuhng)
Tagálog: pagdatíng

PARATANG • (puh-ruh-TUHNG)
incoming, coming, on the way, about to arrive
Tagálog: padatíng/paratíng

KARATANG • (kuh-ruh-TUHNG)
the moment when someone/something arrives
Tagálog: pagdatíng

KARÁRATANG • (kuh-RAH-ruh-tuhng)
just arrived
Tagálog: karárating

Verb Conjugation
dátang, dáratang, dínatang/díntang – to come, arrive (Actor Focus)
datangan, daratangan, détangan – for something/someone to come to something/someone (Object Focus)
mamanyatang, mámanyatang, mémanyatang – to arrive one by one (Actor Focus)

Example Sentence:
Dátang ya king paratang a Duminggu. [Kap]
Dárating siya sa paratíng na Linggo. [Tag]
S/he will arrive this coming Sunday. [Eng]

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