The Maranao Legend of Indarapatra

The Maranao Legend of Indarapatra
According to the Maranao legend, Prince Radia Indarapatra was persuaded to descend from the kingdom of Mantapuli to the earth. He traveled to many kingdoms, fighting many giants including Omaka-an, eventually reaching as far as Mindanao. In Lanao, he met the water nymph Potri Rainalaut, who likes underwater. From this union, Aia Diwata Mokom sa Kinialonod a lg was born, the Diwata of the Rising Water and the apo of the Maranao.
Many years later, the descendants of Radia Indarapatra intermarried with the characters of the Darangen epic. As years went by, Sarip Kabungsuwan, a Muslim missionary, reached Lanao, wanting to preach Islam in Bembaran, the setting of the epic. The people of Bembaran were reluctant to embrace Islam, which eventually caused the kingdom to become enchanted. Three datus, however, Butuanen Kalinan, Batara sa Kilaten and Dima-ampao Kalinan were able to escape, later establishing the “four sulatantes pf Lanao”. Today, all ruling families of Lanao trace their ancestry to this founding apo, with Radia Indarapatra at their apex.