Plaza Goiti
Plaza Goiti | @rebirth.manila via Art by Aaron De Guzman

Plaza Goiti/Lacson

Renacimiento Visions of Manila:
A Modern Tram System

Here is an artistic vision of what Plaza Locsin could look like with a modern tram or tranvia.

The king of Manila’s prewar mass transit system was the tranvia, or tram. Streetcars, at first horse-drawn and later electrified, connected the suburbs of Manila to its business center, or Downtown. One such transit hub was Plaza Goiti (modern-day Plaza Lacson). Sadly, the tram system was destroyed during the Second World War, and automobiles like jeepneys and buses would take their place in the postwar world.

This artwork was requested by one of our followers, who kindly requested a different view of Plaza Goiti. Shown in the artwork is a modern tram car, and behind it is the iconic Don Roman Santos Building, whose ground floor dates from the 1890s, back when it was the Old Monte de Piedad.

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