October 2019 Metallurgical Engineer Licensure Examination Top 10 Examinees

The successful examinees who garnered the 10 highest places in the October 2019 Metallurgical Engineer Licensure Examination are the following:

1st Place: Earl Dave Madridondo Tulabing 86.15%
                 Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology

2nd Place: Bryan Patrick Maderazo Carrasco 83.25%

                 Dexter Ranises Madjos 83.25%
                 Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology

3rd Place: Kielvin Jon Ballad Miguel 82.45%

4th Place: Regan Abram King Leonardo 81.90%

5th Place: Ninna Joyce Padulla Delantar 81.80%

6th Place: Lorenz Carl Peniola Flores 81.20%
                 Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology

7th Place: Sergi Lulu Bantay 81.05%

8th Place: Karl Justine Villanueva Abang 80.70%

9th Place: Advent Fel Recopelacion Banez 80.35%
                 Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology

10th Place: Isabela Psalm Carillo Torcende 80.15%

                   Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology
