Philippine Marines Recruitment
On Military

Philippine Marines Recruitment Qualifications and Requirements
Philippine Marine Corps is the armed forces of the Philippines' premier force in readiness and the nation’s force of choice.
Be one of the few and the proud.
Join the Philippine Marine Corps, and serve your country with dignity and pride.
Become an Officer of the Philippine Marine Corps
What are the opportunities of being an officer of the Philippine Marine Corps?
- Opportunity to serve the Philippines as a Marine Officer
- Opportunity to study abroad with good compensation and allowances
- Opportunity to avail postgraduate studies in top universities in the Philippines for free
- Opportunity to travel abroad and interact with foreign navies
- Opportunity to duties oversees (United Nations posting)
What are the qualifications for becoming an officer of the Philippine Marine Corps?
- Must be at least 21 years of age and not more than 29 years of age by August 1 of any
given recruitment year - Must be a natural-born Filipino citizen
- Must be of Good Moral Character
- Must not be married and with no child to support
- Graduate of a 4-year baccalaureate degree (preferably technical courses)
- Must be at least 5’2″ for females and 5’4″ for male
What are the benefits and privileges of becoming an officer of the Philippine Marine Corps?
- You can earn as much as Php 43,668.00 while in training
- You can earn as much as Php 52,143.00 upon graduation
- You can earn an additional 10% of base pay every 5 years in the service
- You can avail of free housing facilities, medical, and dental services
Become a non-commissioned officer of the Philippine Marine Corps
What are the qualifications for becoming a non-officer soldier of the Philippine Marine Corps?
- Must be at least 18 to 23 years old
- Must be a natural born Filipino citizen of the Philippines
- Must be of Good Moral Character
- Must not be married and with no child to support
- Must have completed the K-12 or at least 72 units in college (preferably a technical course) or TESDA NCII
- Must be at least 5’4″ (male only)
What are the opportunities of becoming a non-commissioned officer of the Philippine Marine Corps?
- Opportunity to study abroad with good compensation and allowances
- Opportunity to avail postgraduate studies in top universities of the Philippines for free
- Opportunity to travel abroad and interact with foreign navies
- Opportunity to duties overseas (United Nations posting)
What are the benefits and privileges of becoming a non-commissioned officer of the Philippine Marine Corps?
- You can earn as much as Php 23,237.00 while in training
- You can earn as much as Php 37,264.00 upon graduation
- You can earn an additional 10% of base pay every 5 years in the service
How long does it take to become a marine soldier?
Candidate soldiers undergo a months training.
Generally, Marine recruitment is done at Bonifacio Naval Station in Taguig City. Mobile recruitment all over the country is usually announced.
Contact numbers listed are:
- (02) 893 2121 local 935
- (63) 917 785 6758
- 0928 450 7674
- 0922 893 2142
- 0956-087-4591 (Zamboanga)
Email Inquiry:
No announced Philippine Marines Recruitment yet but you may inquire at the above number for updated information.