police patrol reviewer
Police Patrol

Police Patrol Reviewer

1842 - the London Metropolitan Police established the first detective

Bobbies - British police.

Boston Police - first public police force established in 1631.

Bow Street Patrols - a small body of police in London who had been
organized in the mid-18th century by the novelist and magistrate
Henry Fielding and his half brother, Sir John Fielding.

Compurgation - also called Wager Of Law,  in early English law, method
of settling issues of fact by appeal to a type of character witness.

Egypt - the first policing organization was created in about 3000 BC.

Emperor Augustus - organized one of the earliest form of organized
policing in Rome in 7 BC. He divided the city of Rome into 14 regiones
(wards), each consisting of vici (precincts) overseen by vicomagistri,
who were responsible for fire protection and other administrative and
religious duties.

New Scotland Yard - the headquarters of the London Metropolitan Police.

New York Police - The first police department in the United States,
it was established in 1844 and it was officially organized in 1845.

Patrol - keep watch over (an area) by regularly walking or travelling
around it.

Patrol Functions (Categories)
      1. Crime prevention - pro-active deterrence
      2. Law Enforcement - reactive deterrence
      3. Order Maintenance - security
      4. Social Services - community welfare

Patrol As A Function
      1. Constant Movement
      2. Prevent/deter crime
      3. Eliminate opportunity for crime

Patrol Activities and Purposes
      1. Crime Detection and Prevention
      2. Apprehension of Criminals & Wanted Suspects
      3. Data & Information Collection
      4. Report Writing & Documentation
      5. Public Assistance
      6. Peace Keeping and Order Maintenance
      7. Conflict Resolution
      8. Traffic Control and Enforcement
      9. Parking Enforcement
      10.Law Enforcement Reduce Citizens’ Fear of Crime
      11.Detect and Enforce Code and Safety Violations
      12.Rapid Responses to Emergencies
      13.Public Relations
      14.Police Visibility
      15.Property Protection

Patrol Method
      1. Foot Patrol
      2. Motorcycle Patrol
      3. Motorized Patrol
      4. Bike Patrol
      5. Horse Patrol
      6. Aircraft Patrol
      7. Watercraft Patrol

Patrol Officer -  is the backbone of the police department.

Patrol Supervision
      1. Hands on - supervisor involved in day to day activities.
      2. Command - supervisor shows up at incident sites and gives
      3. Counsel - supervisor available and when requested shows
         up at incident sites.

Patrol Techniques
      1. Routine Patrol
      2. Directed Patrol
      3. D-Runs
      4. Saturation Patrol
      5. Split Force
      6. Suspect-Oriented Patrol

Police Traffic Enforcement Activities
      1. Issue Traffic Citations
      2. Issue Parking Citations
      3. Investigate Traffic Accidents
      4. Arrest Drunk Drivers
      5. Enforce Seat belt Laws
      6. Direct Traffic

Police Traffic Enforcement Purposes
      1. Insure Safety of Public
      2. Reduce Accidents and Injuries
      3. Collect Information
      4. Make Criminal Arrests
      5. Enforce Laws
      6. Facilitate Traffic Flow

Peel's 9 (Nine) Principle
      Principle 1. The basic mission for which the police exist is
      to prevent crime and disorder.
      Principle 2 - The ability of the police to perform their duties
      is dependent upon public approval of police actions.
      Principle 3 - Police must secure the willing co-operation of
      the public in voluntary observance of the law to be able to secure
      and maintain the respect of the public.
      Principle 4 - The degree of co-operation of the public that can
      be secured diminishes proportionately to the necessity of the use
      of physical force.
      Principle 5 - Police seek and preserve public favour not by
      catering to the public opinion but by constantly demonstrating
      absolute impartial service to the law.
      Principle 6 - Police use physical force to the extent necessary
      to secure observance of the law or to restore order only when
      the exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be
      Principle 7 - Police, at all times, should maintain a relationship
      with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that
      the police are the public and the public are the police; the
      police being only members of the public who are paid to give
      full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen
      in the interests of community welfare and existence.”
      Principle 8 - Police should always direct their action strictly
      towards their functions and never appear to usurp the powers of
      the judiciary.
      Principle 9 - The test of police efficiency is the absence of
      crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action
      in dealing with it.

Peeler - a police officer, especially in the United Kingdom and
Australia. Derived from the name of Sir Robert Peel who developed the
Metropolitan Police Act in 1928 which proved to be the foundation for
the modern police force in Britain.

Police Functional Units
      1. Bureau - the largest organic functional unit within a large
         department. It comprises of numbers of divisions.
      2. Division - a primary subdivision of a bureau.
      3. Section -functional unit within a division that is necessary
         for specialization.
      4. Unit -functional group within a section; or the smallest
         functional group within an organization.

Police Operations 
1. Patrol - 50 % Of Force - 80 % Of Budget
2. Criminal Investigation (Detectives) - Solve 20 % Of Cases Solved
   In Depth  case screening
3. Traffic
4. Support/Special Services

Police Territorial Units
      1. Post - a fixed point or location to which an officer is
         assigned for duty, such as a designated desk or office or
         an intersection or cross walk from traffic duty.It is a spot
         location for general guard duty.
      2. Route -a length of streets designated for patrol purposes.
         It is also called Line Beat.
      3. Beat - an area assigned for patrol purposes, whether foot
         or motorized.
      4. Sector - an area containing two or more beats, routes, or post.
      5. District-a geographical subdivision of a city for patrol
         purposes, usually with its own station.
      6. Area- a section or territorial division of a large city each
         comprised of designated districts.

Polis - greek word which means city.

Purposes of Criminal Investigation
1. Determine whether or not a crime has been committed.
2. Decide if the crime was committed within the investigator’s
3. Discover all facts pertaining to the complaint.
4. Gather and preserve physical evidence.
5. Identify the perpetrator.
6. Develop and follow up all clues.
7. Locate and apprehend the perpetrator.
8. Aid in the prosecution of the offender by providing evidence of
   guilt that is admissible in court.
9. Testify effectively as a witness in court.
10.Recover stolen property.

Robert Peel - established the Metropolitan Police Force for London based
at Scotland Yard in 1929. Father of modern policing system.

Specialized Units and Operations
1. Special Weapons & Tactics
2. Vice & Drugs
3. K-9
4. Organized Crime
5. Community Services
6. Crime analysis
7. Domestic Violence
8. Sex Crimes
9. Internal Affairs
10.Crime Prevention
11.Juvenile & School Service