Using Forged Signature Or Counterfeit Seal Or Stamp
On Criminal Law
1. That the great seal of the Republic was counterfeited or the signature or stamp of the
chief executive was forged by another person;
2. That the offender knew of the counterfeiting or forgery; and
3. That he used the counterfeit seal or forged signature or stamp
Offender is NOT the forger or the cause of the counterfeiting
The participation of the offender is in effect that of an accessory.
Although the general rule is that he should be punished by a penalty of
two degrees lower, under Art. 162 he is punished by a penalty only one degree lower.
1. That the great seal of the Republic was counterfeited or the signature or stamp of the
chief executive was forged by another person;
2. That the offender knew of the counterfeiting or forgery; and
3. That he used the counterfeit seal or forged signature or stamp
Offender is NOT the forger or the cause of the counterfeiting
The participation of the offender is in effect that of an accessory.
Although the general rule is that he should be punished by a penalty of
two degrees lower, under Art. 162 he is punished by a penalty only one degree lower.